I am working on a custom view with a hope of reusability. It should have a generic type, like this:
public class CustomViewFlipper<someType> extends ViewFlipper { }
I know how to bind a normal c开发者_运维知识库ustom view to the XML file. But I couldn't find any example for this situation. Is there any way to define a generic type for a class in XML?
As type parameters are actually cleared off in bytecode, you can use in XML the class name as if it was not parametrized and then cast it to proper parametrized type in java code.
consider having class:
public class CustomViewFlipper<T extends View> extends ViewFlipper {
and in your activities layout xml:
then in your activity:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
CustomViewFlipper<TextView> customFlipper =
(CustomViewFlipper<TextView>) findViewById(R.id.customFlipper);
I don't think so, but you can create your own subclass:
public class TheClassYouPutInTheLayoutFile extends CustomViewFlipper<someType>
and use that class in your layout XML.
I use this approach and it works for me.
And then in the activity, instantiate as below
CustomViewFlipper<someType> customFlipper =
(CustomViewFlipper<someType>) findViewById(R.id.customFlipper)