After generate rspec:install in a Rails 3 project any new scaffolding will include some default specs. I'm confused about the get, post, put & delete methods and what they're actually being called on?
specifically, in this example, the line delete :destroy, :id => "1"
is being called on what exactly? the controller? but the controller doesn开发者_StackOverflow't have a 'delete' method...though it does have destroy
. but calling 'delete' on it shouldn't do anything so passing :destroy
as an argument is meaningless... how does this work?
Here's a portion of the generated specs for a resources_controller. I've left out, but the same thing exists for put :update
and post :create
and get :edit
, :show
, :new
& :index
describe ResourcesController do
def mock_resource(stubs={})
@mock_resource ||= mock_model(Resource, stubs).as_null_object
describe "DELETE destroy" do
it "destroys the requested resource" do
Resource.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_resource }
delete :destroy, :id => "37"
it "redirects to the resources list" do
Resource.stub(:find) { mock_resource }
delete :destroy, :id => "1"
response.should redirect_to(resources_url)
, post
, put
, and delete
are the HTTP verbs used in the request. See:
And yes, the following argument is the action being called on your controller, :update
, :create
, etc.
When you write controller specs, RSpec includes the ControllerExampleGroup module, which "extends ActionController::TestCase::Behavior to work with RSpec.".
ActionController::TestCase::Behavior is where these methods are defined.