I am new to LINQ. I have the following DataTable
Name Date price1 price2
string DateTime decimal decimal
Jan09 14.01.2009开发者_运维百科 10.0 12.0
Feb09 14.01.2009 11.0 13.0
Jan09 15.01.2009 10.0 12.5
Feb09 15.01.2009 9.0 10.0
Jan09 18.01.2009 10.0 12.5
Feb09 18.01.2009 9.0 10.0
Name and Date are the primary compound key.
I want to select all Names for each Date, then iterate through the new collection and select the next date.
var subCollection = tab.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select(r1 => r1["Date"]).Select<string>(r2 => r2["Name"])
foreach (DataRow row in subCollection)
// do something with row
My Linq expression is wrong
I think what you want is to group by your Date, then look at all the Names for a given date, then most onto the next.
If that is the case, you want to use the Linq group syntax...
var query = from row in table.AsEnumerable()
group row by row["Date"] into g
select g;
You can find a lot of examples online for doing various things with the Linq group syntax. The thing I find important is realizing that you can group by multiple columns and still apply aggregate functions like Sum, Max, or Count using the following syntax:
var query = from row in table.AsEnumerable()
group row by new { Date = row["Date"], Price1 = row["Price1"] } into g
select new
Date = g.Key.Date,
Price = g.Key.Price1,
Count = g.Count()