
Ruby on Rails Application Template

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-11 00:49 出处:网络
What Rails application templates show best practices for setting up a new Ruby on Rails application? I\'m interested in two things.

What Rails application templates show best practices for setting up a new Ruby on Rails application?

I'm interested in two things.

  1. Which application templates are designed well (modular and easily customized)?

  2. Which offer the best (or most popular) combination of components needed in a typical Rails app?

I'm asking about scripts that are used with the rails new app_name -m command to generate an application.

I've looked at some examples. What do you think of these?

greendog99/greendog-rails-template Devise, RSpec, Factory Girl, jQuery, Haml, Sass, Compass, Git, rvm, HTML5 Boilerplate, plus a layout. Uses subtemplates for easy customizing.

dcrec1/rails3_template Devise (with Cucumber steps), Cucumber, RSpec, Factory Girl, Haml, Compass, jQuery, Git, Formtastic, a layout, and more. Uses subtemplates for easy customizing.

aentos/rails3-templates Devise or Authlogic or OmniAuth, Cucumber, Capybara, RSpec, Factory Girl, Shoulda, jQuery, Haml, Compass, 960 grid or Blueprint, Capistrano or Heroku or Inploy, Git, plus a layout. Uses subtemplates for easy customizing.

rubyx/rails3_template PostgreSQL, Devise, Cucumber with Selenium and Capybar开发者_JAVA百科a, RSpec with Machinist and Faker, JQuery, Simple Form, Haml, SASS, Git, rvm, Google analytics (optional), Hoptoad for issue tracking (optional), TellThemWhen for downtime notifications (optional). With a description of the recipe in the README.

perfectline/template-bucket Cucumber, RSpec, jQuery, Haml or Jammit, Capistrano, Git, rvm, plus a layout. Uses subtemplates for easy customizing.

leshill/rails3-app Cucumber, RSpec, Factory Girl or Fabrication, Haml, jQuery, Git, rvm.

These Rails 2.3 projects look like they were once popular but haven't been updated since 2009 or 2010:



We develop and use our template . You can check and use. Regards.

Thoughtbot's Suspenders project looks interesting - http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/2315306436/fishing-for-trout-in-our-suspenders

Especially with the addition of Trout to update core suspenders files at a later date

I've been using the rails-templater gem with good results. It does not currently have rvm support, so if you create gemsets for each Rails project, be sure to create and use the gemset prior to running the wizard, otherwise some unsuspecting gemset will get a bunch of unwanted gems.

$ rvm gemset create myapp_name
$ rvm gemset use myapp_name
$ templater myapp_name


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