So in my app Im trying to make it flash a .zip in clockwork recovery using this
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process p = null;
DataOutputStream out = null;
p = run.exec("su");
out = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
out.writeBytes("开发者_运维百科echo install_zip SDCARD:" +clickedFile.toString() +" > /cache/recovery/extendedcommand\n");
out.writeBytes("reboot recovery\n"); // testing
}catch(Exception e){
Log.e("FLASH", "Unable to reboot into recovery mode:", e);
It will boot into recovery but it will not flash the .zip.. Whats wrong.. oh, and if you need the whole .java file here it is:
out.writeBytes("echo 'install_zip(\""+ SDCARD:" +clickedFile.toString()+"\");'" +" > /cache/recovery/extendedcommand\n");
commands would look like:
adb shell
echo 'install_zip("/sdcard/");' > /cache/recovery/extendedcommand
I had the same issue but I was using a ListView combined with an ArrayAdapter to return the full path of the file. When I tried passing the path as 'SDCARD:' followed by the path to the file, it wasn't able to find the file as the method seems to be no longer supported by newer versions of CWM Recovery. I found an easy workaround though:
public boolean installPackage(String pos) throws InterruptedException {
final String location = "/emmc/" + pos.substring(11);
Process process = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("echo 'install_zip(\"" + location + "\");'" + " > /cache/recovery/extendedcommand\n");
os.writeBytes("reboot recovery\n");
return (process.waitFor() == 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e("FLASH:", "Unable to boot into recovery");
return false;