I'm writing a wrapper that takes a Scala ObservableBuffer
and fires events compatible with the Eclipse/JFace Databinding framework.
In the Databinding framework, there is an abstract ObservableList
that decorates a normal Java list. I wanted to reuse this base class, but even this simple code fails:
val list = new java.util.ArrayList[Int]
val obsList = new ObservableList(list, null) {}
with errors:
illegal inheritance; anonymous class $anon inherits different type instances of trait Collection: java.util.Collection[E] and java.util.Collection[E]
illegal in开发者_JAVA技巧heritance; anonymous class $anon inherits different type instances of trait Iterable: java.lang.Iterable[E] and java.lang.Iterable[E]
Why? Does it have to do with raw types? ObservableList
implements IObservableList
, which extends the raw type java.util.List
. Is this expected behavior, and how can I work around it?
Having a Java raw type in the inheritance hierarchy causes this kind of problem. One solution is to write a tiny bit of Java to fix up the raw type as in the answer for Scala class cant override compare method from Java Interface which extends java.util.comparator
For more about why raw types are problematic for scala see this bug http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/1737 . That bug has a workaround using existential types that probably won't work for this particular case, at least not without a lot of casting, because the java.util.List type parameter is in both co and contra variant positions.
From looking at the javadoc the argument of the constructor isn't parameterized.
I'd try this:
val list = new java.util.ArrayList[_]
val obsList = new ObservableList(list, null) {}