I have a requirement to store a jsp in a database. I managed to store the html in the database and display using escapeHTML. The problem I had was with jsp tags. They never resolved.
I am now using Velocity Templates instead. I am busy with a proof of concept and managed to get variable substitution and the use of if statements working using Velocity.evaluate. I now have a problem using spring tags for binding as I cant get the macros to resolve. Any ideas on 开发者_StackOverflow社区what my problem could be?
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
String template="#springBind(\"command.firstname\") " +
" <input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" id=\"userName\" " +
" name=\"${status.expression}\" " +
" value=\"${status.value}\" " +
" <div class=\"requiredexample\"> " +
" e.g. username@domain.com " +
" </div> " +
" <div class=\"errors\">${status.errorMessage}</div> ";
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
Velocity.evaluate(context, writer, "TemplateName", template);
In order to use Spring tags you need to have a Velocity engine configured in appropriate way. It's done by VelocityConfigurer
. Perhaps you can use that class as is or check its source to perform similar configuration manually.
Also take a look at VelocityViewResolver
and VelocityView
, they may contain something important for Spring tags.