I use Emacs native Win 32, but run it in DOS Prompt using emacs -nw
. I love it.
But, I can not easily read the blue color for 开发者_JS百科a face foreground. And now I like to mapped all blue color, to be lightblue.
Is there some sort of alias like this?
I think you should start with a Color theme package and choose a color theme you like.
Later you can adjust certain colors by doing M-x customize-face
. The command M-x list-colors-display
will help you to pick a right color.
EDIT: Do you run Emacs on text terminal? Then you may try to use tty-color-define. Unfortunately I cannot test it because I don't have Emacs on the terminal.
(defun my-define-red()
(tty-color-define "red" 1 (list 32000 12000 12000)))
If all you want to do is fix the minibuffer prompt like I did (defaults to dark blue on black in Cygwin emacs in a terminal) try editing the minibuffer-prompt face using this:
- M-x list-faces-display
- select "minibuffer-prompt" and hit enter
- Go to foreground property and put your cursor over the [ Choose ] area and hit enter
- scroll down to "green" and hit enter
- Go up to [ Save for future sessions ] and hit enter (this will write it to your .emacs file)
This is what it added to mine:
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "green"))))
- M-x list-faces-display.
- Select the face you want to customize (the ones using blue color are displayed in blue and so forth). (To select, press .)
- Goto "foreground" property and change blue to something else, say cyan.
- If no foreground selected, choose cyan or something else.
If you add this to your .emacs
, all default faces will adapt to the dark background:
(custom-set-variables '(frame-background-mode 'dark))