I'm building a tasks system wich has 4 tables:
id | user_id | end_date
2 | 1 | 2011-02-10
id | username
1 | johndoe
2 | janedoe
id | role_name
1 | coordinator
and tasks_roles_users
id | task_id | user_id | role_id
1 | 2 | 2 | 1
Each task has a creator (ie: johndoe is the owner of task #2), and each task has several users with different roles on that task, in my example "janedoe" is the task #2 coordinator. I'm stuck trying to sho开发者_开发技巧w to "janedoe" and "johndoe" how many due tasks they have, and I'm having this problem since "johndoe" hasn't a role in the task, he's just the task owner. So how can I tell to both they have 1 task due?
You can accomplish this by doing a LEFT JOIN
SELECT u.id, u.username,
IFNULL(t.Cnt,0) OwnCount,
IFNULL(tr.Cnt,0) RoleCount
IFNULL(t.Cnt,0) + IFNULL(tr.Cnt,0) TotalCount
FROM users u LEFT JOIN (
SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM tasks
GROUP BY user_id
) t ON u.id = t.user_id
SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM tasks_roles_users
GROUP BY user_id
) tr ON u.id = tr.user_id
WHERE t.user_id IS NOT NULL OR tr.user_id IS NOT NULL
A simple way to do this is to add an owner role and treat it like any other role. Another way would be to use a UNION
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks_roles_users WHERE user_id = "2"
That will get all tasks that "janedoe" has a roll in.
If there aren't very many rolls (say, less that 8), you might want to save the rolls as constants in your code, instead of making SQL queries for such a small thing.
define('ROLL_COORDINATOR', 1); // just an integer unique from other roll constants
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks_roles_users WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'johndoe')
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks_roles_users WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'janedoe')