I have CGLayers cached in an NSMutableDictionary where I use them as follows:
- (CGLayerRef)getLayerForCacheKey:(CacheKey)cacheKey andProperty:(id)property {
NSDictionary *cacheDict = [cacheArray objectAtIndex:cacheKey];
if (cacheDict) {
NSValue *encodedLayer = [cacheDict objectForKey:property];
if (encodedLayer) {
CGLayerRef returnedLayer = nil;
[encodedLayer getValue:&returnedLayer];
return returnedLayer;
return nil;
- (void)saveLayer:(CGLayerRef)layer toCacheWithKey:(CacheKey)cacheKey andProperty:(id)property {
CGLayerRef layerToSave = CGLayerRetain(layer);
NSMutableDictionary *cacheDict = [cacheArray objectAtIndex:cacheKey];
NSValue *encodedLayer = [[NSValue alloc] initWithBytes:&layerToSave objCType:@encode(CGLayerRef)];
[cacheDict setObject:encodedLayer forKey:property];
[encodedLayer release];
I believe I have a memory leak here by not CGLayerRelease'ing returnedLayer from getLayerForCacheKey. Do we have any method in which they can be autoreleased?
CacheKey key = CacheKeyFretNumberHighlight;
CGLayerRef numberLayer = [cacheManager getLayerForCacheKey:key andProperty:note];
// save to cache
if (!开发者_JAVA技巧numberLayer) {
numberLayer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(nil, [numberStr sizeWithFont:font], nil);
CGContextRef numberLayerCtx = CGLayerGetContext(numberLayer);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(numberLayerCtx, highlightColor);
[numberStr drawAtPoint:CGPointZero withFont:font];
[cacheManager saveLayer:numberLayer toCacheWithKey:key andProperty:note];
CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(layerCtx, point, numberLayer);
} else {
CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(layerCtx, point, numberLayer);
Unfortunately there’s no CFAutorelease
. How about changing the name of the cache retrieval method to make it obvious you are returning a copy?
- (CGLayerRef) copyLayerForCacheKey: (CacheKey) key andProperty: (id) property;
Then even the static analyzer should understand the difference.