Following is the part of a stored procedure:-
开发者_Python百科@ID int
@Col1 int
@Col2 int
Select *
from Table_01 t1
JOIN table_02 t2 on t1.col = t2.col
1 = case when @Col1 = 0 then 1 else (case when t2.Col1 = @Col1 then 1 else 0 end) end
AND 1 = case when @Col2 = 0 then 1 else (case when t2.Col2 = @Col2 then 1 else 0 end) end
AND 1 = case when @ID = 0 then 1 else (case when t2.ID = @ID then 1 else 0 end) end
- if
@ID = 0
then it ignores the condition - if @ID has value then it returns results based on the criteria satisfaction
I need to add another condition there :-
if @ID = -1
then should not return any result (coz there is no match)
but it should act like @ID = 0
(ignore to add expresssion)
Am I clear? :(
Select ...
From Table_01 As t1
Join table_02 As t2
On t1.col = t2.col
Where Case
When @ID = 0 Then 1
When t2.ID = @ID Then 1
When @ID = -1 Then 0
Else 0
End = 1
If this last condition should trump the other two, then you need to change the order:
Select ...
From Table_01 As t1
Join table_02 As t2
On t1.col = t2.col
Where Case
When @ID = -1 Then 0
When @ID = 0 Then 1
When @ID = t2.ID Then 1
Else 0
End = 1
Of course another way which may perform better (assuming @ID = -1
Select ...
From Table_01 As t1
Join table_02 As t2
On t1.col = t2.col
Where @ID != -1
And ( @ID = 0 Or @ID = t2.ID )
Update based on edit of OP
It sounds like you are trying to do something like the following:
Select ...
From Table_01 As t1
Join table_02 As t2
On t1.col = t2.col
Where @ID != -1
And ( @Col1 = 0 Or @Col1 = t2.Col1 )
And ( @Col2 = 0 Or @Col2 = t2.Col2 )
And ( @ID = 0 Or @ID = t2.ID )
I would try to write it so it is clearer:
WHERE @ID IN (0, t2.ID) AND @ID <> -1
WHERE (@ID = 0 OR t2.ID = @ID) AND @ID <> -1
If t2.ID can not be -1 then you don't need that part.
If I understand you correctly, you simply want @ID = -1
to have the same effect as @ID = 0
. In that case here is how your query might look like:
Select *
FROM Table_01 t1
JOIN table_02 t2 on t1.col = t2.col
WHERE @Col1 IN (0, t2.Col1)
AND @Col2 IN (0, t2.Col2)
AND @ID IN (-1, 0, t2.ID)