
Python: Code for VHDL Code Generator

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-10 02:20 出处:网络
I am trying to make a ROM in VHDL language, I am using this template I found on http://www.edaboard.com/thread38052.html :

I am trying to make a ROM in VHDL language, I am using this template I found on http://www.edaboard.com/thread38052.html :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ROM is
port ( address : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );
end entity ROM;

architecture behavioral of ROM is
开发者_开发技巧type mem is array ( 0 to 2**4 - 1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant my_Rom : mem := (
0  => "00000000",
1  => "00000001",
2  => "00000010",
3  => "00000011",
4  => "00000100",
5  => "11110000",
6  => "11110000",
7  => "11110000",
8  => "11110000",
9  => "11110000",
10 => "11110000",
11 => "11110000",
12 => "11110000",
13 => "11110000",
14 => "11110000",
15 => "11110000");
process (address)
 case address is
   when "0000" => data <= my_rom(0);
   when "0001" => data <= my_rom(1);
   when "0010" => data <= my_rom(2);
   when "0011" => data <= my_rom(3);
   when "0100" => data <= my_rom(4);
   when "0101" => data <= my_rom(5);
   when "0110" => data <= my_rom(6);
   when "0111" => data <= my_rom(7);
   when "1000" => data <= my_rom(8);
   when "1001" => data <= my_rom(9);
   when "1010" => data <= my_rom(10);
   when "1011" => data <= my_rom(11);
   when "1100" => data <= my_rom(12);
   when "1101" => data <= my_rom(13);
   when "1110" => data <= my_rom(14);
   when "1111" => data <= my_rom(15);
   when others => data <= "00000000";
 end case;
  end process;
  end architecture behavioral;

Well, the problem is that I want to put in my ROM 2000 values. So I was wondering how to make the next using python:

Imagine you have in a .txt file this data in the next format:

0  45
1  56
2  78
3  98

So the program would do this with the data:

0 => "00101101"
1 => "00111000"
2 => "01001110"
3 => "01100010"

Well these values "00101101","00111000","01001110","01100010" are the respectives values for the binary representation of 45,56,78 y 89. So, you get the idea...

There is a small detail, it is needed to specify the number of bits for the representation: If you don´t you could get this:

0 => "101101"
1 => "111000"
2 => "1001110"
3 => "1100010"

Thank you so much to all possible pieces of code to do this program

As an alternative to the other answers, make your ROM store naturals or integers (as appropriate). Then your constant can be of the form:

0 => 45,
1 => 56, ...


If you have all the values already, you could just put them all in a big comma separator series without doing the n => positional mapping.

(45, 56, 78, 98,....)

Also, if you make your address input a numerical type (either unsigned or natural as you prefer) you can simplify your address decode as just

data <= my_rom(address);


data <= my_rom(to_integer(address));

Here is another method; using the toVHDL converter in MyHDL. You can use arbitrary Python expressions to initialize a tuple.

This is the MyHDL description:

from myhdl import *

def VhdlRomGen(addr, data):

    # Create the ROM container
    rom = [Signal(intbv(0)[8:]) for ii in range(2**4)]

    # Initialize ROM, any value, any complex python can
    # be in this initialization code.
    for ii in xrange(len(rom)):
        rom[ii] = ii

    rom = tuple(rom)

    def rtl_rom():
        data.next = rom[int(addr)]

    return rtl_rom

if __name__ == "__main__":
    addr = Signal(intbv(0)[4:])
    data = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    toVHDL(VhdlRomGen, addr, data)

And this is the converted VHDL:

-- Generated by MyHDL 0.7
-- Date: Sat May 21 15:39:27 2011

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;

use work.pck_myhdl_07.all;

entity VhdlRomGen is
        port (
            addr: in unsigned(3 downto 0);
            data: out unsigned(7 downto 0)
end entity VhdlRomGen;

architecture MyHDL of VhdlRomGen is

VHDLROMGEN_RTL_ROM: process (addr) is
    case to_integer(addr) is
        when 0 => data <= "00000000";
        when 1 => data <= "00000001";
        when 2 => data <= "00000010";
        when 3 => data <= "00000011";
        when 4 => data <= "00000100";
        when 5 => data <= "00000101";
        when 6 => data <= "00000110";
        when 7 => data <= "00000111";
        when 8 => data <= "00001000";
        when 9 => data <= "00001001";
        when 10 => data <= "00001010";
        when 11 => data <= "00001011";
        when 12 => data <= "00001100";
        when 13 => data <= "00001101";
        when 14 => data <= "00001110";
        when others => data <= "00001111";
    end case;
end architecture MyHDL;

for line in open('your_file.txt'):
    s = line.strip().split("  ") # two spaces are for split
    p = '{} => "{:0{min_bits}b}"'.format(s[0], int(s[1]), min_bits=10)
    print p

Try this:

bit_count = 8
format_template = '{{0}} => "{{1:0{0}b}}"'.format(bit_count)
with open(r"input_file.txt") as input_file:
    for line in input_file:
        data = map(int, line.split())
        print format_template.format(*data)


验证码 换一张
取 消
