My website is running as an ASP.NET user in IIS. I've created one virtual directory, 'Logs', which is internally pointing to my shared drive folder whic开发者_开发百科h is access by a limited number of users. How can I create a log file on the virtual directory with log4net?
Do I (or can I) provide user credentials when I create the logger or the file?
It looks like there's no problem writing log files to a virtual directory on your website. You just tell log4net that the path is relative to the current directory by writing the configuration
<appender ...>
<file value="Logs\website.log" />
Now, if you want to put the current username in the log message, you'll want to investigate log4net Contexts. Stashing the current user in the log4net context
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = HttpContext.Cache["current-user"];
And pulling it out in the Appender layout
<appender ...>
<layout ...>
<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level [%property{user}] %message%newline" />