Bad day at the code face. I normally debug my web applications using a local copy of iis. Today while testing that code I suffered a couple of stack overflows. Following that visual studio failed to connect to iis to debug further. After rebooting I was again able to debug my web projects against iis. The annoying problem I have now is that the development server (Cassini) also starts up when I click start debugging. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing the unwanted server start? I've开发者_运维百科 checked my app properties and use visual studio development server is not checked.
Do you have other projects in the solution that are set to use the Development Server? If any of the projects have the setting, Visual Studio will start the Development Server just in case you debug into that project.
Have you tried a clean + build or Rebuild ? Sounds like a setting has gone awry somewhere.
In the web project properties, try checking Use Custom Webserver
and manually put the URL in the Server Url
And of course you could try shutting down VS, restarting your machine, resetting IIS and all those other workarounds for Microsoft product-related issues ;-)