
Fake Incoming Call Android

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-09 17:01 出处:网络
How can I fake an incoming call inside the android emulator? The following lets me make a call but I\'d like to force the emulator to receive

How can I fake an incoming call inside the android emulator?

The following lets me make a call but I'd like to force the emulator to receive a call, preferably from a number I've selected.

adb shell开发者_运维知识库 am start -a android.intent.action.CALL tel:1112223333

So, the direct opposite of the command above.

You can use DDMS in Eclipse, Android Device Monitor in Android Studio or run command lines on terminal

Using DDMS:

  • Open DDMS/ADM
    • in Eclipse: Window > Open Perspective > DDMS
    • in Android Studio: Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor
  • Enter the fake incomming phone number
  • Choose "Voice"
  • Press call

Fake Incoming Call Android

After that, you will see the emulator receive this phone call as follows

Fake Incoming Call Android

Using command lines

$ telnet localhost 5554
$ gsm call 123456789

Note: 5554: console port number for emulator instance
12345678: incoming phone number

Actually in android Studio 2.1 Its easy!

Fake Incoming Call Android

Fake Incoming Call Android

You can do this with Putty. Download and install Putty http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

Step 1: Run Putty

Step 2: In the address box put

In the port box put the port number your emulator is running on. It's in the top left corner of the emulator window (usually 5554). Make sure type is set to 'telnet'. Click 'Open'

Step 3: A terminal will open. Type:

gsm call <the number you want the phone to see>

Press enter and you're done.

EDIT: You can also send fake sms:

sms send <the number you want the phone to see> <the message>

if you are using eclipse then you can simply do this using emulator control for this click on window in eclipse menu then show view now click on other a small window will open select android and then emulator control

use it for making call in emulator

Another option for testing the same behavior is to use a real phone and Google's two step authorization settings to generate calls (see image).

Fake Incoming Call Android

There are three options which i recently checked to get simulated call on a Android emulated device (AVD).

option 1:

Go to emulated device "more" option as shown below and hit on "Call device" to get a call from number mentioned.

Fake Incoming Call Android

option 2:

Using emulated device UI check the phone number by going to Settings--> System --> About emulated device as shown below. Call to this number from the other device.

Fake Incoming Call Android

option 3:

Launch Android device monitor (e.g. on windows "C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools" launch monitor), set your own incoming number and call as shown below

Fake Incoming Call Android

Shell script incoming_call.sh:

expect << EOF
spawn telnet localhost 5554
expect -re ".*>"
send "gsm call $1\r"
expect -re ".*>"
send "exit\r"


incoming_call.sh +55555555555

Handy one-liner on unix-like systems using telnet and netcat:

 $ echo "gsm call 123456789" | nc -v  localhost 5554

on a real device

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:+CCXXXXXXXXXX

CC is country code , XX is phone number

You can do this by connecting to your emulator via telnet.
Open Command Prompt and enter

telnet localhost <console-port>

You can find your <console-port> on the title bar of the emulator.

Fake Incoming Call Android

According to the above instance my <console-port> is 5554.

After connecting to the emulator via telnet, enter

gsm call <telephone-number>


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