I found this color scheme to enable zenburn in the bash shell. But I really do not understand what it does. Could someone shed some info as to what exactly this is doing.开发者_开发问答
function EXT_COLOR () { echo -ne "\033[38;5;$1m"; }
export LS_COLORS='di=38;5;108:fi=00:*svn-commit.tmp=31:ln=38;5;116:ex=38;5;186'
export PS1='`EXT_COLOR 187`\u@\h`EXT_COLOR 174` \w \$\[\033[00m\] > '
Function sets color (SGR). For more on escape sequences see eg. wikipedia LS_COLORS sets how to color different files/filetypes. This i never use, you should wait for someone else to answer.
Third line sets your multihued prompt: sets the color by using the function previously defined, outputs username (\u
), then literal @, then hostname (\h
), then changes color once again, outputs workdirectory (\w
), then $ or # (depends on EUID), then sets color back to normal (\[
and \]
are used to embed non-printing characters, see man bash/PROMPTING) and finally outputs greater-then symbol.