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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionSo, bit of silly question here but browsing google didn't really get me any good information.
I've just finished my first website using ASP.net, I've been building it with visual studio but now I need to upload it my web server.
So there I went, popped Filezilla and tried to upload my whole folder. No dice.
My question is, what needs to be uploaded? And is there any step I need to take in Visual Studio before uploading?
In order for asp.net to run in linux you need to make sure to install mod_mono
Scott Gu will show you how to
Since a picture is worth a thousand words here you have two!
To publish *Web applications
To publish Web sites
If you are using ASP.NET with Linux, you will need to use Mono.
More information about configuring your server can be found at the Mono ASP.NET FAQ
It appears that you do not have the mod_mono Apache module installed (or installed correctly) - so your files are being interpreted as text files.
You should use the Publish feature in Visual Studio. There should be a nice little wizard to follow and FTP is one of the options.
You need an IIS server to host ASP.Net sites and applications. I think the reason you're getting html-type pages back when you request ASPX pages is because the server isnt' IIS or ASP.Net compatible. The pages aren't being handled by the relevant IIS module so your server is serving the unprocessed ASPX pages back to you without 'filling-in' the dynamic server-generated bits.
All responders have given great advice about the use of Publish ...
wizard in Visual studio.
FYI if you're pre-compiling your site you just need the web.config
, .aspx
and .ASCX
markup pages (not the .cs or .designer.cs files) and the application DLLs (from the /obj/Release directory).
Good luck.
you should download the Microsoft Visual Studio Web Deployment Project. then after downloading install it at yoour pc. restart your Visual Studio. open the project and right click on the Project and click "Add web deployment Project". give project a path and build. You can find the deployable project at the path given of Web deployment project.