Is it possible to get the creation date/time of a Facebook profile, through the use of the Graph API ?
I need it to make an authentication mechanism, that doesn't allow Facebook users that have just been created.
Calling the Facebook API is a (relatively) slow operation; especially if you have to call it multiple times. So, when possible, it is a good idea to get the information you need, without making API calls.
You may take a look at It explains how to figure out the creation date of a Facebook account without having to call the Facebook API, just based on the user’s Facebook UID.
No, there is'nt. The better way, and sounds a bit hackish, is to retrieve the users posts and keeping the oldest one as an estimate of the user creation date!.
Keep in mind that is not always affordable. If you use /feed you get the latest 30days or 50 posts, if you use /posts , you get the authors posts. Remember that you must have *read_stream* permission.
Doesn't look like it. The documentation lists all the fields you can retrieve using the Graph API, and registration date isn't one of them. Come to think of it, the registration date disappeared from users' profiles sometime ago, about the same time the Graph API was introduced, maybe?
You can tell if one user registered earlier than another by looking at their user id, though. :)