My C# winform application fails to get the (local machine's) user account names when installed on a 64bit Windows 7 machine. It works correctly on 32bit Windows 7, 64bit VIsta, 32 bit Vista and XP.
开发者_开发技巧The code fails on the line "DirectoryEntry admGroup = localMachine.Children.Find..." with the error "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException [0x800708ac]. The group name could not be found."
What change can I make to the code to get it to work for 64bit Windows 7 (that also works for all the other operating systems)?
Note 1: The line "DirectoryEntry localMachine = new DirectoryEntry..." correctly gets the machine name.
Note 2: For simplicity, I shortened the strings by substituting in "[APLICATION NAME]." The code performs identically when using "[APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.administrators" or simply "administrators."
#region Get Windows User Accounts
private void GetWindowsUser()
DataSet dsWindowsUser = null;
//Retrieve machine name.
DirectoryEntry localMachine = new DirectoryEntry([APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.WiinNT + Environment.MachineName);
DirectoryEntry admGroup = localMachine.Children.Find([APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.administrators, [APLICATION NAME];
// DirectoryEntry admGroup = localMachine.Children.Find("administrators", "group"); //TEST CODE
object adminmembers = admGroup.Invoke([APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.members, null);
// object adminmembers = admGroup.Invoke("members", null); //TEST CODE
DirectoryEntry userGroup = localMachine.Children.Find([APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.Users, [APLICATION NAME];
object usermembers = userGroup.Invoke([APLICATION NAME].ResourceAdmin.members, null);
//Create datatable to store windows user.
DataTable dtWindowsUser = new DataTable();
DataRow drow;
//Create datatable to add user
DataColumn myDataColumn;
myDataColumn = new DataColumn();
myDataColumn.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String");
myDataColumn.ColumnName = "WindowsUser";
//Add column to datatable
//Retrieve each user name.
foreach (object groupMember in (IEnumerable)adminmembers)
DirectoryEntry member = new DirectoryEntry(groupMember);
if (!(member.Name == "admin" || member.Name == "Domain Admins"))
drow = dtWindowsUser.NewRow();
drow["WindowsUser"] = member.Name;
//Add row to datatable
foreach (object groupMember in (IEnumerable)usermembers)
DirectoryEntry member = new DirectoryEntry(groupMember);
if (!(member.Name == "ACTUser" || member.Name == "ASPNET" || member.Name == "Domain Users" || member.Name == "Authenticated Users" || member.Name == "INTERACTIVE" || member.Name == "SQLDebugger"))
drow = dtWindowsUser.NewRow();
drow["WindowsUser"] = member.Name;
//Add row to datatable
dsWindowsUser = new DataSet();
//Add User to database
catch (Exception ex)
if (!(dsWindowsUser == null))
Edit: For a similar question on another blog site it was suggested to add this code right before the "DirectoryEntry" statement that fails. I tried this and it did not help.
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesPermission permission = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.Unrestricted); permission.Assert();
How about this:
using(PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine)) {
UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(ctx, "myNewAccount", "myPass", true);
Then take a look at methods and members of the 2 classes to learn how to do stuff with them. It's much easier to use these than the DirectoryEntry class - no LDAP strings.