I'm not sure the best way to describe what it is that I'm trying to do so forgive my title.
I have two models, User and Group. Group contains field, members, which is a ManyToManyField referring to User.
Given a User, I want to find all of the Groups to which that user belongs.
My idea would be to do something like this:
groups = Group.objects.filter(user in members)
Something like that. Even though I realize that this isn't right
I tried reading through this link but couldn't figure out how to apply: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#spanning-multi-valued-relationships
F开发者_如何转开发igured it out groups = Group.objects.filter(members__username=user.username)
If you have the user and you want to have his groups then start querying from it, not the way around ;)
Here's an example:
james = User.objects.get(pk= 123)
james_groups = james.group_set.all()
The most concise way is probably
groups = user1.group_set.all()
which gives you a queryset that is iterable.