
CLLocationDistance conversion

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 14:26 出处:网络
i have distance in a variable of type CLLocationDistance i need to convert it in a integer variable how can i do it

i have distance in a variable of type CLLocationDistance i need to convert it in a integer variable how can i do it

i have use

CLLocationDistance kil开发者_JAVA百科ometers;

int distance = [kilometers intValue];

but its giving error.

help guys



Returns the distance (in meters) from the receiver’s location to the specified location.

- (CLLocationDistance)distanceFromLocation:(const CLLocation *)location


location The other location.

Return Value The distance (in meters) between the two locations.

return type is double not int. And its not an NSNumber.

As of iOS 10, there's a new Measurement class which makes converting distances a snap.

Here's an extension to convert distances:

extension Double {
  func convert(from originalUnit: UnitLength, to convertedUnit: UnitLength) -> Double {
    return Measurement(value: self, unit: originalUnit).converted(to: convertedUnit).value

Example usage:

let miles = 1.0
let metersInAMile = miles.convert(from: .miles, to: .meters)

let mileInFeet = 5280.0
let feetInAMile = mileInFeet.convert(from: .feet, to: .miles)

let marathonInFeet = 138_435.0
let milesInMarathon = marathonInFeet.convert(from: .feet, to: .miles)
let kmInMarathon = marathonInFeet.convert(from: .feet, to: .kilometers)

let inch = 1.0
let centimetersInInch = inch.convert(from: .inches, to: .centimeters)

This will calculate the distance between two location by using the CLLocationDistance. By default it gives the values in meters. To convert to kilometers, divide the CLLocationDistance/1000.0. To get miles multiply the CLLocationDistance*0.62137.

 //Pass your current location Latitude and longitude
                     CLLocation *currentlocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:13.015370f  longitude:80.200393f];
 //Pass your destination location Latitude and longitude 
CLLocation *destination = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:37.420948f longitude:-122.09578499999998f];
CLLocationDistance meters = [currentlocation distanceFromLocation:destination];
//get distance in meters
    NSLog(@"meters :%f", meters);
//get distance in kilometers
    CLLocationDistance kilometers = meters / 1000.0;
    NSLog(@"kilometers :%f", kilometers);
//Get distance in miles
//convert kilometers to int value
    int num=kilometers;


Late to this party, but you can also create an extension like this:


import UIKit
import CoreLocation

extension CLLocationDistance {
    func inMiles() -> CLLocationDistance {
        return self*0.00062137

    func inKilometers() -> CLLocationDistance {
        return self/1000

You could call it as follow:


I hope this helps anyone stumbling on this!


  var initialLocation :CLLocation?
  var updatedUserLocation :CLLocation?
  var distanceBetweenLocations: CLLocationDistance?

//MK MapView Delegate
  func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {

    updatedUserLocation = locations.last
    distanceBetweenLocations =  updatedUserLocation!.distanceFromLocation(initialLocation!)

    //convert To Miles
    distanceBetweenLocations = Utility.convertCLLocationDistanceToMiles(distanceBetweenLocations)

//Setting Distance Value
    distanceLabel.text = String(format: " Distance : %.2f ", distanceBetweenLocations!)


Note : I have class named Utility which serves the common class methods across the project . This is for better code reusability and reduction.

//  Utility.swift

import UIKit
import Foundation
import CoreLocation

class Utility {

  class func convertCLLocationDistanceToMiles (var targetDistance : CLLocationDistance?) -> CLLocationDistance {
    targetDistance =  targetDistance!*0.00062137
    return targetDistance!
  class func convertCLLocationDistanceToKiloMeters (var targetDistance : CLLocationDistance?) -> CLLocationDistance {
    targetDistance =  targetDistance!/1000
    return targetDistance!


It's so much easier in Swift:

// Use you CLLocationDistance as the value 'kilometers':    
let kms = Measurement(value: kilometers, unit: UnitLength.kilometers)
// Then you can convert that to miles if you'd like:
let miles = kms.converted(to: .miles)
// Get the double value:
let doubleValue = miles.value
print("The distances is \(doubleValue) miles")


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