I have the open graph tags with my app id on my website:
<meta name="fb_app_id" content="82034300336">
I have a permanent access token for read_insights.
With the following query from here I got the domain_id of my domain:
SELECT domain_id FROM domain WHERE domain_name='www.flimmit.com'
But when I try something like the following query:
SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=362406043160 AND metric='domain_like_adds' AND end_time=end_time_date('2011-01-01') AND period=period('day')
I get the following error:
Only administrators of applications, pages, and domains can retrieve Insights. The session user (1547365349) does not own the object 362406043160.
Needless to say that I am admin.
So i think that the domain_id does not equal the object_in the graph api to query stats from http://developers.facebo开发者_如何学Cok.com/docs/reference/fql/insights/ ?
(Domain content metrics at the bottom)
I cannot find anything on that!
What I want to achieve in the end is a picture of how many likes all the pages on my domain have...
So i think that the domain_id does not equal the object_in the graph api to query stats from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/insights/ ?
First things first-object_id and domain_id are completely different integers.
Now- to get an object ID of a domain, what you want to do is run the query in the object_url
table instead of domain
table, If this does not work, I'd go with trying and granting your app permissions-read_insights
or whatever equivalent you are interested in.
Sounds to me like it's not FQL because basically I have seen that kind of query work.
You should consider looking carefully at how the query is being submitted.
Sorry if it sounds like a product plug, but my product offers a Free Trial. You could try to submit your query using that to see if it gets you the data. If it works from my product, then you'll have a better idea that it was the transport not the FQL itself.