I want to use the Rails ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper module in my Sinatra views. Specifically, I'd like to use number_to_currency
though I would love to have additional Rails helpers.
If there is a more appropriate gem for Sinatra that provides number to currency, that would work too. For example, I've looked through sinatra-more, but it doesn't handle curre开发者_StackOverflowncy.
PS. I'm using Bundler.
I found that only adding:
require 'active_support'
...didn't give me all the ActiveSupport methods I was hoping for (in my case, AS' fancy time parsing methods). As such, I went with this:
gem 'activesupport', require: 'active_support/all'
It's in my Gemfile (since I'm using Bundler).
Add require 'active_support'
to the top of your sinatra application, and include the active_support gem in the bundler gem list.
Including the whole of Active Support in a Sinatra application is a little counter to the whole idea, so you could take a look at the Money gem.
require "money"
(and add it to the bundler gem manifest).
Docs on Money: http://money.rubyforge.org/