I want to test various algorithms on graphs.
Does anyone know a web where I can get lots of examples in text files? I've found many examples but they are always images. I want a text descripti开发者_高级运维on of a graph, by edge listing or whatever... do you know one such source?Thanks!
ManuelGraph problems are common in programming competitions.
I don't know if you are used to the format of those competitions, but here's a list
of some of the online judges where you can submit/test your solution online:
- UVA (Probably the biggest ACM problems database, to help you, here's a list of some graph problems)
- Spoj
Topcoder has also a great problem database (see problem archive) But it'll take you some time to get used to it. (Note that it's not just the problems, you can also use the arena to test/submit your solutions)
RDF datasets are graphs, try rdfdata.org, dbpedia which is wikipedia in RDF, the LUBM graph benchmark, or a really big one (currently down at 2009-11-19 21:18 GMT).
Also wordnet is a graph.
Or go to the source, The Stanford Graphbase.