Is it possible to design a streaming JSON algorithm that writes JSON directly to a socket with the following properties:
* can only write to, but cannot delete or seek within the stream
* does not use either an IMPLICIT or explicit stack
* uses only a constant amount of memory stack depth no matter how deep the object nesting within the json
Short answer: No.
Slightly longer: At least not in the general case. If you could guarantee that the nesting has no branching, you could use a simple counter to close the braces at the end.
No, because you could use such a program to compress infinite amounts of memory into a finite space.
Encoding implementation:
input = read('LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS.tar.bz2')
input_binary = convert_to_binary(input)
json_opening = replace({'0':'[', '1':'{'}, input_binary)
your_program <INPUTPIPE >/dev/null
INPUTPIPE << json_opening
Execute the above program then clone virtual machine it is running on. That is your finite-space compressed version of the infinitely-large input data set. Then to decode...
Decoding implementation:
set_output_pipe(your_program, OUTPUTPIPE)
json_closing << OUTPUTPIPE
output_binary = replace({']':'0', '}':'1'}, reverse(json_closing))
output = convert_from_binary(output_binary)
write(output, 'LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-copy.tar.bz2')
And of course, all good code should have a test case...
Test case: