I read the content of a file on my client, base64 encode it, send it via JSON to my Rails backend, base64 decode it and store the data in the database. I then try to send a email from Rails with the data as a attachement.
Here is my column definition of the binary data:
t.column :binarydata, :binary, :limit => 10.megabytes, :null => false
Here is my mail template:
class MYMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def mail(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, message, files=[], sent_at = Time.now)
@subject = subject
@recipients = to
@from = from
@cc = cc
@bcc = bcc
@sent_on = sent_at
@body["message"] = message
@headers = {}
# attache files
files.each do |file|
attachment file.mimetype do |a|
a.body = file.binarydata
a.filename = file.filename
Here is where I read from the database and send the email:
attachements = AttachementItem.find(:all)
MYMailer.deliver_mail("foo@home.com", "bar@home.com", nil, nil, "Attachement test", "This is just a test", attachements)
Here is the code that parses the incomming JSON and stores the data in the database:
attachement_json = params[:attachement]
attachement_json = attachement_json.gsub(/\n/, "\\n")
attachement = AttachementItem.new.from_json(attachement_json)
b64data = Base64.decode64(attachement.binarydata)
attachement.binarydata = b64data
However the attachements that I receive in my email is garbage. I do not know if the error is on my client side and I am investigation this also, but can you see if I have a error in my Rails code?
Thank you
Well my Rails code works! I found my errors (there where more than one), and they where all in my client code. Sorry for asking :)