I have the following route in rails 3:
resources :jobs do
member do
post :seller_job_submitted
And the following form
=form_for job, :url=>seller_job_submitted_job_path(job), :remote=>true do |f|
I know it's not very restful, but it's kind of a stop gap for now. In any case, I keep getting this error when submitting the form
Started POST "/jobs/74/seller_job_submitted" for
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/jobs/74/seller_开发者_Python百科job_submitted"):
but when I run rake routes | grep seller_job_submitted
, I think the correct results come up:
seller_job_submitted_job POST /jobs/:id/seller_job_submitted(.:format) {:action=>"seller_job_submitted", :controller=>"jobs"}
Any ideas about what might be going on?
Assuming you have defined method seller_job_submitted in model and controller. Replace your code with
resources :jobs
match "jobs/:id/seller_job_submitted" => "jobs#seller_job_submitted", :as => "seller_job_submitted"
Then in form_for tag use :url=>seller_job_submitted_path
This should fix your problem: you did not define seller_job_submitted_job_path explicitly.
Perhaps use put
instead of post
? Or use :post
as the method in the submit form.
You can tell if this is the issue by looking at what the REST method is for the generated form (look for the hidden field in the page source).
So in short, maybe Rails is somehow expecting a POST
on that URL but it's receiving a PUT
Yes, this is a regression bug with Rails 3. It turns out you need to be careful about using POST in your routes.rb.
resources :jobs do
member do
post :seller_job_submitted # will not work
put :seller_job_submitted # will just work
This is even though the FORM method says POST.