I am trying to learn regex and have a string, I want the beginning to be (not including)
and the end to be (not including)
I can make the basic regex ok, but it keeps including the tomato part in it, instead of ending just before it. So if I have
, then I want to return:
I am using preg_match in php. Any ideas?
preg_match('~\.com/(.*?)">\[tomato~', $str, $match);
contains your string. The (.*?)
is a capture group that captures every character between .com/
and ">[tomato
http://www.regular-expressions.info/ is a good start for learning regular expressions.
Could also be solved without regex, using strpos
(docs), strrpos
(docs) and substr
$start = strpos($str, '.com/');
$end = strrpos($str, '">[tomato'); // or strpos to find the first occurance
$sub = substr($str, $start, $end-$start);
preg_match('/(.*?)\.com/(.*?)">\[tomato(.*)/', $text, $matches);
echo $matches[2];