i am looking for a free file manager for my project in ASP.Net, so can any show me?
Edit: A file manager or a image manager for user to use to upload/select/create folder/delete files...
I am also looking for a (free) ASP.Net based file manager and just did a brief survey. I tried Bipin Joshi's "Web Site File Manager" (the binaryintellect one referenced by DKarter). While it works, I felt it is going to be difficult to customize, it is a web page while I really need a control, and it is a bit dated at this point.
I almost gave up hope when I stumbled on IZWebFileManager:
Moved here: https://github.com/manishma/IZWebFileManager
It is licensed under the GNU GPL and it took 5 minutes to get running. I downloaded the code, added the DLLs to my project, and then added the control to a page, and bam - I had a professional looking fully functional web based file manager.
<iz:FileManager ID="FileManager1" runat="server" Height="400" Width="600">
<iz:RootDirectory DirectoryPath="~/Content" Text="Content Folder" />
Try these:
They are not that good but it's pretty straight forward to build one yourself. Just make a recursive function and populate a tree control. I actually might have some code I wrote for one of the companies I worked for. Let me know if you are interested and I'll try to post it here somehow.