Hey, i'm trying to d开发者_如何学Ciscover if it's possible to see all IPs of a LAN network so you can send files by using IP without entering the internet? :)
This is probably a stupid question for you guys but you'll do me a really big favor by explaining this! :D
Thanks!! :)
(ps: and yes it's only for educational use :D )
If this is indeed for Java as you've tagged the question. Then a nice solution has been posted here: How to get a list of IP connected in same network (subnet) using Java
Something like this: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0542.html explains a very simple client-server architecture, transferring a file via a socket in Java.
There is no such thing as a LAN in TCP/IP. There are subnets, and they can be easily enumerated via arithmetic, given the subnet mask.