Know issue tumblr re开发者_如何学JAVAstricts width of videos to max500, i want them 700. I've tried all the hacks and scripts listed, they won't work on my theme. Any suggestions?
This code was a useful starting point, but it didn't resize the embed tag, too, which means it won't work for all browsers.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var embedTag;
$('.video').each(function(index) {
$( this ).contents().each( function ( index ) {
if ($(this).is('object') || $(this).is('embed') || $(this).is('iframe')) {
var orgWidth = $(this).attr('width');
var orgHeight = $(this).attr('height');
var scale = orgHeight/orgWidth;
var targetWidth = 474;
var targetHeight = targetWidth * scale;
$(this).attr('width', targetWidth);
$(this).attr('height', targetHeight);
$(this).find('embed').attr('width', targetWidth);
$(this).find('embed').attr('height', targetHeight);
EDIT: A further revision, just in case your videos/media, whatever are embedded within other elements:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var embedTag;
$('.video, .media').each(function(index) {
$( this ).find('object, embed, iframe').each( function ( index ) {
var orgWidth = $(this).attr('width');
var orgHeight = $(this).attr('height');
var scale = orgHeight/orgWidth;
var targetWidth = 474;
var targetHeight = targetWidth * scale;
$(this).attr('width', targetWidth);
$(this).attr('height', targetHeight);
$(this).find('embed').attr('width', targetWidth);
$(this).find('embed').attr('height', targetHeight);
I had to do the same thing with the theme that I designed/developed for my Tumblr ( In order to get around the 500px max width that Tumblr seems to impose, I came up with a little javascript hack that finds all object/embed/iframe tags in the page and resizes them properly for the theme. This example uses jQuery, but you can alter it to whatever JS framework you prefer to use.
$(document).ready(function() {
var embedTag;
$('div.video_container').each(function(index) {
$( this ).contents().each( function ( index ) {
if ($(this).is('object') || $(this).is('embed') || $(this).is('iframe')) {
var orgWidth = $(this).attr('width');
var orgHeight = $(this).attr('height');
var scale = orgHeight/orgWidth;
var targetWidth = 960;
var targetHeight = targetWidth * scale;
$(this).attr('width', targetWidth);
$(this).attr('height', targetHeight);
So far this has worked pretty good for my theme in all the browsers that I have tested it on. Hopefully it will work for you too. Let me know if you run into any issues with it.