what is the best way of doing?, i have one table that returns one set of data and another table that returns another set of data, so in my gridview i want to display
id,na开发者_开发知识库me = dataset1 registration_id, registration_name = dataset2
gridview looks like this:
id | name | reg_id | reg_name |
Best bet is to use a JOIN when selecting the data from the database.
If that's not possible, there are several ways to accomplish this with DataTable objects in memory...
One possibility is outlined here: http://msmvps.com/blogs/shahed/archive/2009/02/09/asp-net-tips-display-resultset-from-multiple-datatable.aspx This is how I usually do it if I absolutely can't just get it directly from the server in the format I want.
You can also do it using Linq
An example of a JOIN with LINQ can also be found here: http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/UploadFile/ShahanDev/4601/Default.aspx
Edit - added based on comments
Based on your comments, I'm not sure that joining the results in a gridview is necessarily what you want. In a one-to-many relationship you will get duplicaiton from the "one" side.
If I'm guessing right, what you really want is something that more accurately represents the one-to-many relationship so instead of data that looks like this:
id | name | reg_id | reg_name |
1 |abs | 1 |adad |
1 |abs | 2 |sadsd |
you really want it to look like this:
1 abs
1 adad
2 sadsd
In that case, you're better off looking into Nested Repeaters: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306154 or another way to represent heriarchical data.
I think in addition to all the great previos methods , you can write a stored procedure,which contains your logic (you can use temporary tables #table),make it the grid view data source..i use stored procedures many times when i need data from many tables to avoid complex joins and nested controls which may cause low performance according to what i know.
if u mean u use two data sources for the same grid view but the source changes according to some condition , this will help u ..
gridview with more than one data source