I have a form with multiple TinyMCE instance. I created the TextArea controls dynamically using a Repeater control - They all have the same ID,but I gave each one a different class. I assigned each of the TextArea controls a TinyMCE instance using the editor_selector : option in the TinyMCE Init function.
tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas',theme : 'simple',editor_selector : 开发者_如何学编程'upperBlock',directionality : 'rtl'}); tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas',theme : 'simple',editor_selector : 'middleBlock',directionality : 'rtl'});
I want to refer to a specific TinyMCE instance in a JS function and get its content. In the case when each TextArea control has a different id that could by done by using :
Is there a way to get ref to a specific TinyMCE instance content by the class assigned to it in the editor_selector option of the TinyMCE Init function ?
This can't be done with native TinyMCE methods. You have to loop for yourself, like e.g. (untested)
for (edId in tinymce.editors) {
if (tinymce.editors[edId].settings.editor_selector == 'upperBlock') {
// editor found - do something
You are doing it wrong. It is not allowed in HTML to have more elements with the same ID. Give them the same class and diffirent IDs.
If you want to retrieve the editor by class, you have to set this properties first to the editor.
tinymceOptions: {
mode: 'specific_textareas',
editor_selector: "yourClassName"
then, your textarea would be like:
<textarea class="yourClassName"></textarea>
and then, you can iterate between all the editors you have like
tinymce.editors.forEach(function(editor) {
if (editor.settings.editor_selector === 'yourClassName') {
// do what you want!