I have fields "commercial register code: 111开发者_JAVA技巧1111" and "commercial register code 2222" I need to take after last space symbols: 1111111 and 2222. There is function to take symbolrs before "space" in xsl?
Update from comments
I will have "comercial register 21 code:" line
"code" can be without ":" symbol
If there is going to be one and only one number, then you could use
This will remove any not digit character from the string.
If the prefixed label is stable, then you could use something like:
substring-after($string,'commercial register code:')
Abour the question:
There is function to take symbolrs before "space" in xsl?
Answer: Yes, substring-before()
From comments, it looks like the string pattern would be:
'commercial register' number 'code' (':')? number
Then use:
translate(substring-after($string,'code'), ': ', '')
In XSLT 2.0, use tokenize($in, '\s+')[last()]
If you're stuck with 1.0, you need a recursive template: check out str:tokenize in the EXSLT library.
Can you use EXSLT functions? If so, there is a str:split function and then you can do:
str:split($string, ' ')[position()=last()]