I'm checking a few values in my database and it appears that the strings being compared 开发者_C百科are not being case sensitive enforced. I'm using C# and LINQ to SQL.
You do not need to change your database you can modify your queries to work case sensitive:
declare @curdb sysname; select @curdb = db_name(0);
select DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@curdb, 'Collation') Collation;
if object_id('test_CI', 'U') is not null
drop table test_CI
create table test_CI (
val varchar(10)
insert into test_CI values ('TEST');
insert into test_CI values ('Test');
insert into test_CI values ('test');
select * from test_CI where val = 'Test';
select * from test_CI where val collate Latin1_General_CS_AS = 'Test';
Just use your current sort order and replace the CI by CS.
In SQL Server, whether a column is case sensitive or not depends on what collation you've applied to it.
The default collation is likely "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" (CI being "case insensitive"). If you change your database schema so that column has the collation "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" instead, then queries on it will be case-sensitive.
Check the collation matrix provided here:
I think you will need something like SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_CS_AS_KI_WI