So I've got this php code:
$text = preg_replace("/(\s)http:\/\/([\S]+?)(\s)/i" ,
"$1[url=\"http://$2\"]http://$2[/url]$3" , " $text ");
I guess it's replacing
kind of strings into [url=][/url]
inside of a given text (in my case it's a postparser for my forum) right?
now what I'm trying to do is, to limit the stringlength of the
-string that comes inside the [url=]
<-- this string [/url]
because sometimes users post very long links and those are messing up my forum design and look very ugly anyway.
is there a way I could realize that in php, while keeping the 1. http link like it is s开发者_如何学JAVAo it still links correct?
big thanks in advance! :)
How about:
$text = preg_replace("/(\s)http:\/\/([\S]{,40})([\S]*?)(\s)/i",
"$1[url=\"http://$2$3\"]http://$2[/url]$4" , " $text ");
to limit it to a 40 character URL?
You could maybe just split the process in a couple of lines of code instead of one do-it-all preg_replace.
- preg_match
- check strlen for match
- shorten url between [url][/url] if need
- build replacement string
- str_replace match with replacement string
Use preg_replace_callback
so that you have more control over the replacement. (e.g. use $2
in [url=...]
and use a shorten version of $2
in the text.
function replace_links($matches) {
$url = $matches[2];
$short_url = preg_replace('~^([^/]*)/(.{14})(.{3,})(.{18})$~', '$1/$2...$4', $url);
return $matches[1] . '[url="http://' . $url . '"]http://' . $short_url . '[/url]' . $matches[3];
$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\s)http:\/\/([\S]+?)(\s)/i", 'replace_links', " $text ");
You can see that I use another preg_replace
for transforming a very long URL to a short one. I cut it in the middle, while fully preserving the domain name, but you may use any cutting pattern you want.