I'm trying to call the Copy.asmx WebService of SharePoint from a PowerShell Script:
$copyWS = .\Connect-WebService.ps1 $copyWsdlUrl -requiresAuthentication
$copyWS.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
[FieldInformation[]]$fieldInfos = $null
[System.Byte[]]$data = $null
$copyWS.GetItem($fileUrl, [ref]$fieldInfos, [ref]$data)
Result: GetItem returns 0 for success, but $fieldInfos and $data are $null. If 开发者_如何学PythonI do the same thing from a C# Console Application, it works fine and data.Length equals my file length.
Copy copyWS = new Copy();
copyWS.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
FieldInformation[] fieldInfos = null;
byte[] data = null;
uint result = copyWS.GetItem(fileUrl, out fieldInfos, out data);
Where is my mistake or is this a PowerShell bug?
Following beefarino's advice I called $copyWS.GetItem and got:
System.UInt32 GetItem(string Url,
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebserviceProxy.AutogeneratedTypes.WebServiceProxy3http___moss__vti_bin_Copy_asmx.FieldInformation[]&, jfww_71i, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Fields,
System.Byte[]&, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Stream)
So my parameters look right, I even changed the type of $fieldInfos to display the full name Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebserviceProxy.AutogeneratedTypes.WebServiceProxy3http___moss__vti_bin_Copy_asmx.FieldInformation[]
but to no avail.
Assuming that connect-webservice.ps1 ends up invoking new-webserviceproxy...
Verify the signature of the web service method from powershell using get-member:
$copyWS | get-member
or by dumping the method to the host without invoking it:
The proxies don't always look as you'd expect; e.g., for this method:
int GetData(out byte[] value);
the new-webserviceproxy method generated by powershell looks like this:
void GetData([ref] $result, [ref] $resultSpecified, [ref] $value)