The above code works well in all browsers except in IE8 where it only works in compatibility-mode. I removed all the markup inside the DIVs, there where huge TABLEs. In IE8 when I check the checkbox('rf'), it is suposed to show only two DIVS(#frmRF and #frmAntenas), but it's also showing the DIV(#frmTX), if you think the markup is not ok, it was generated by Zend_Form, I'd like to not have a hidden for each checkbox I create.
<INPUT value=0 type=hidden name=rf ><INPUT id=rf value=1 type=checkbox name=rf> <FONT class=legenda>RF</FONT>
<div id=frmAntenas style="display:none;">
<legend>Especificações Técnicas da Solicitante:</legend>
<div style='margin-top: 10px' id='frmRF' style="display:none;">
<div style='margin-top: 10px' id='frmTX' style="display:none;">
First of all sorry, I have no clue how to comment, don't see any button for it. I think I've had a similar problem for a while and I have turned off slidedown for IE. I think this is just something IE doesn't handle too well.. So I think you should try this and see if it works:
var speed = $.browser.msie ? 0 : "slow";
I believe slideup/down does the same as showing and hiding stuff ("slow"), so i adjusted that.
It worked for me when I put it online and changed your HTML to the following:
<div id=frmAntenas style="display:none;">
<legend>Especificações Técnicas da Solicitante:</legend>
<div id='frmRF' style="display:none; margin-top: 10px">
<div id='frmTX' style="display:none; margin-top: 10px">
The thing here is that you were defining 'style' twice on the div, so it did not catch on to the display:none; Editted answer after commenting. Hope this solves it,