I am trying to implement facebook authentication for an app with warden, after the user allows facebook auth and redirects to my app callback with the token I get a 400 while consuming the api. My warden strategy is this:
class Facebook < Warden::Strategies::Base
def client
@client ||= OAuth2::Client.new MyApp::Facebook::AppID, MyApp::Facebook::AppSecret, :site => 'https://graph.facebook.com'
def params
@params ||= Rack::Utils.parse_query(request.query_string)
def authorize_url
client.web_server.authorize_url :redirect_uri => request.url, :scope => 'email,publish_stream'
def authenticate!
throw(开发者_开发问答:halt, [302, {'Location' => authorize_url}, []]) unless params['code']
facebook = client.web_server.get_access_token params['code'], :redirect_uri => request.url
rescue OAuth2::HTTPError => e
puts e.response.body
Strategies.add :facebook, Facebook
The result of printing the response body is this:
{"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"Error validating client secret."}}
I am pretty shure the app id and app secret are the ones provided by FB.
I've seen that error message many times. Here are the things I would double check:
- your domain is the same as what you listed in the facebook callback url
- the app id is correct (actually print this out on a page, sometimes y
- the app secret is correct
Add redirect_uri while creating the object of facebook that will fix the issue.
Redirect the user to https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL After user click allow, it'll hit our Redirect Uri At that point we'll get the code and we need to do a server side HTTP Get to the following Url to exchange the code with our oAuth access token:
https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token? client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL&
Now at step 3, I kept on getting Http 400 response back.
So after some research, I found out that on that redirect_uri that we submitted on step 3 doesn't do anything but validate the request. Thus, the value need to match with step 2.
I also get the same error and i resolved by doing as below:
- double check your client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri.
- Add Accept: "application/json" header to thye request
method: "GET",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",