I know this is part of java.lang.reflect.* but I wasn't able to find any suggestions to point me how to tackle this.
I want to use the contents of a string to create and instance of an object 开发者_StackOverflowthat has the name of what the string stores.
String[] carName = {"volvo","vw","bmw"};
car carName[0];
car carName[1];
car carName[2];
I've stumbled upon this snippet, which looks promising:
Car car = (Car) Class.forName("Volvo").newInstance();
It throws back: Unhandled exception type ClassNotFoundException
edit: Sorry for not being clear enough, I'm not in any way a professional. No, I don't have a class called Volvo. I'm actually trying to define one generic class (car) and then initialize instances of it via strings.
You need to either
, or declare it to be thrown from your methodYou need to specify the fully-qualified name of your class. If the class is in packaged as
, then use that as its name.
It looks as if the class you reference isn't on the classpath. Make sure you reference the full package, e.g.
when using Class.forName()
Do you have a class called Volvo
which extends Car
requires a fullly qualified classname, so it might be org.example.Volvo
or whatever you've named your class.
Or are you trying to create a new car object that has a value of carName?
Then what you're looking for is probably more like (i didn't try to compile this, so...)
string[] names = { "Volvo", "BMW", "Volkswagen" };
List<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();
for(string name : cars)
// presuming you have a class Car with a constructor that takes a string
cars.Add(new Car(name));
if you already know you have a class called car, you don't need to mess with any of the reflection stuff to create one.