Is it possible and is it the correct way to code using heredoc inside an if statement in php?
if ($selection<8)
print 'Please enter the amount<br />';
print '<form action="" method="post"><input type="text" name="money1" value="'.$money1.'">';
print '<input type="text" name="money2" value="'.$money2.'">';
print '<input type="text" name="money3" value="'.$money3.'"><input type="submit">';
print '<input type="hidden" name="selection" value="'.$selection.'"';
print '</form><br>';
if (($money1!='')&&($money2!='')&&($money3!==''))
echo '</pre>';
I am trying to avoid getting out of the php code, and hopping into html and then back into php again, I was just trying to keep everything on the php script; in addition, using multiple print's is messy, thank you for not flaming.
Like this?
if (conditional)
$foo = <<<html
I'm not aware of any situation where a heredoc 'will not work'. Just always take care to ensure that the closing statement of the heredoc has no leading characters. In my example html
closes the heredoc and has absolutely no leading chars including spaces.
Yes, you can use heredocs inside if