Say I have the string Hello {{name}}, how are you doing today?
I'm trying to grab name
from that string.
So far, I have /\{{2}[a-z0-9]*\}{2}/gi
. The problem, is, it grabs {{name}}
and not name
. Without the global flag it works fine, but I'm trying to get every instance of words within double brackets, so it's not quite right... I'm no RegEx pr开发者_如何学JAVAo so I'm hoping someone can help me out...
The best solution would be to use lookaround assertions so the {{
and }}
don't get picked up, however JavaScript regex doesn't support lookbehind, it only supports lookahead.
So one alternative is to place your text in a capture group and grab what's inside:
To get every capture, make a RegExp
object with your regex, and iterate through the results of its exec()
function. For example:
var str = 'Hello {{name}}, how are you doing {{date}}?';
var re = /\{{2}([a-z0-9]*)\}{2}/gi;
var words = [];
var match;
while (match = re.exec(str)) {
jsFiddle sample
Or as Gumbo suggests in his comment, manually strip out the {{
and }}
from your array of matches.
Yea as mentioned, pattern matching on the 2 opening and closing braces is the way to go (assuming the name does not have curly braces in succession of the number of 2 within itself, either opening/closing)