How to convert the following MATLAB code to Python? Here is my solution, but it doesn't quite produce the same results. For example, f
seems to be always positive in the MATLAB code, but in my Python code, f
also gets negative values.
Any ideas how to fix开发者_Go百科 the program?
Mostly, I am concerned about these:
MATLAB: for k = 1 : nx
j = k+2;
for k in range(1,nx+1):
j = k+2
[V,D] = eig(A, B);
DD = diag(D);
keep_idxs = find( ~isinf(DD) );
D = diag( DD(keep_idxs) );
V = V(:, keep_idxs);
[lambda, idx] = min(diag(D));
f = V(:,idx);
w,vr = scipy.linalg.decomp.eig(A,B)
w = w.real
vr = vr.real
w = w[2:-1-2]
lambda_ = w.min()
idx = w.argmin()
f = vr[:,idx]
f = f(3:end-2);
[nf, nf_idx] = max(abs(f)); % L_infty norm
n2 = f(nf_idx); % normalize sign away, too
f = f ./ n2;
f = f[2:-1-1]
nf = max(np.absolute(f))
nf_idx = np.absolute(f).argmax()
nf_idx =
n2 = f[nf_idx]
f = f/n2
xx = -kappa:h:kappa;
xx = np.arange(-kappa, kappa+h, h)
Are those equivalent with each other? If they are, then why don't they produce exact the same results?
I don't know about matlab, but for python the code
for k in range(1,nx+1):
j = k+2
is the same as
j = nx+2
This isn't your main problem, but it's worrying.