I'd like to implement a module for filtering and paging开发者_开发技巧. I understand that to suceed I had to use Dynamic Linq or Reflection, so I started trying to make it work .. but since the field that contains the text to be filtered in a one to many relationship EF not like it.
This code work fine .. but is static :
List<Domain.Entities.Action> actions = db.Actions.Include("Menus").Include("ActionDetails")
.Where(x => x.ActionDetails.Any(y => y.Language.Culture == _currentCulture))
.OrderBy(y => y.ActionDetails.Select(z => z.Title).Max()).Skip((pager.Index - 1) * pager.Take).Take(pager.Take)
I want the
.Select(z => z.Title)
Can someone help me .. I Try a lot of thing .. but no sucess
In order to accomplish this you need to pass in a parameter of Funt<Action, TResultType>
Not sure what your method signature is like but this would work if you plan on returning a List<string>
public List<string> PerformSearch(Func<Action, string> selectCriteria)
return db.Actions.Include("Menus").Include("ActionDetails")
.Where(x => x.ActionDetails.Any(y => y.Language.Culture == _currentCulture))
.OrderBy(y => y.ActionDetails.Select(**selectCriteria**).Max())
.Skip((pager.Index - 1) * pager.Take).Take(pager.Take)