I am using JQuery.
I have got below jQuery as a new design and it is hardcoded.
Hardcoded JQuery with image1
"img_title":"Enjoy a refreshing shower at 43,000 feet",
"img_alt":"Enjoy a refreshing shower at 43,000 feet",
"header":"Enjoy a refreshing shower at 43,000 feet",
"subheader":"One of many gro开发者_JAVA百科undbreaking amenities",
I tried to make it little dynamic as these values will be according to each page, so sometime there will be 3 images and sometime there will be 2 image or may be 1. In above I have just taken 1 for example.
I wrote below code to achieve all the above values dynamic using Jquery code below:
var rotationImagelength = $('#RotationImages input[type=hidden]').length; //Getting the length of the Rotation Image Input type hidder
var ImageDetail="";
var $addDetails="";
var fromPageInput = $("<input>").attr("id", "mainHidden").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "fromPage").val(ImageDetail); //Generating the dynamic input type hidden
$('#RotationImages input[type=hidden]').each(function(index,element) //Loop for all the input type hidden in RotationImage DIV
if(index != rotationImagelength - 1) //Loop for checking not the last input hidden, we are adding extra Comma(,)
ImageDetail = '{"img_src":"'+ $(element).attr("src")+'", "img_title":"'+ $(element).attr("title")+'","img_alt":"'+ $(element).attr("alt")+'", "img_height":"'+ $(element).attr("height")+'","img_width":"'+ $(element).attr("width")+'","header":"'+ $(element).attr("header")+'","subheader":"'+ $(element).attr("subheader")+'","bg_color":"'+ $(element).attr("color")+'","url_href":"'+ $(element).attr("href")+'"},';
$addDetails += ImageDetail;
else //Generating HTML for the last input hidden
ImageDetail = '{"img_src":"'+ $(element).attr("src")+'", "img_title":"'+ $(element).attr("title")+'","img_alt":"'+ $(element).attr("alt")+'", "img_height":"'+ $(element).attr("height")+'","img_width":"'+ $(element).attr("width")+'","header":"'+ $(element).attr("header")+'","subheader":"'+ $(element).attr("subheader")+'","bg_color":"'+ $(element).attr("color")+'","url_href":"'+ $(element).attr("href")+'"}';
$addDetails += ImageDetail;
$(fromPageInput).val($addDetails); //Adding full values in the dynamic input hidden created above
$("#RotationImages").append($(fromPageInput)); //Appending to the RotationImage DIV so that we can easily use in JQuery.
I am getting my all the values as required in my dynamic created input hidden (fromPageInput), please see the above, now I want to render these values in below Jquery code, how can add it in my function.
($("#RotationImages #mainHidden").attr("value"))
If I am alerting I am able to get the values how when I am trying to get alone it is not adding the values. Please suggest what approach should I take to do this.
Can we use like this but it still not working.
var test = ($("#RotationImages #mainHidden").attr("value"));
And my .liveBanner function is below
$.fn.liveBanner = function(images,optional_options)
It is looking for an array