So I was looking for ways to check whether a function with a particular argument exists. I have a templated method which relies on an external function (external from the class) to do the job:
template <class Moo>
void exportDataTo(Moo& ret){
extended_solid_loader(ret, *this);
At multiple points in the project I have macros which define extended_solid_loader for different types, but now I want to be able to use a default function if extended_solid_loader hasn't been 开发者_高级运维defined for that particular class type.
I came across this: Is it possible to write a template to check for a function's existence? but it seems a little different, in that I'm not checking for a method, but rather a definition of a function with a particular argument type.
Is this possible right now?
You can just provide a function template for extended_solid_loader
providing a default implementation, and users who want to use something other than the default implementation just specialize that.
template<class T>
void extended_solid_loader(T & ret, SomeClass & obj) {
// default implementation here
void extended_solid_loader<MooClass>(MooClass & ret, SomeClass & obj) {
// special implementation for MooClass here
You don't actually have to do anything particularly special. Just make sure there's a version of that function available to the template and let ADL do the dirty work. Check out this example:
#include <iostream>
namespace bob {
struct X {};
void f(X const&) { std::cout << "bob::f\n"; }
namespace ed {
template < typename T >
void f(T const&) { std::cout << "ed::f\n"; }
template < typename T >
struct test
void doit() // not called f and no other member so named.
{ f(T()); }
int main()
ed::test<int> test1;
ed::test<bob::X> test2;
Works without the namespace stuff too (non-templates have preference). I just used that to show that ADL will pick it up when you do.
Your original question was interesting. Found a way to do it in C++0x:
template < typename T >
struct fun_exists
typedef char (&yes) [1];
typedef char (&no) [2];
template < typename U >
static yes check(decltype(f(U()))*);
template < typename U >
static no check(...);
enum { value = sizeof(check<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes) };
void f(double const&) {}
struct test {};
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << fun_exists<double>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << fun_exists<test>::value << std::endl;