I just had WordPress installed for my website (http://www.crewof1.com). I noticed that now it is开发者_开发技巧 running very slow. My images are optimzed and I do not have any posts on the pages. I talked to tech support from my web hosting service and they told me to try to index my database and use a cache plugin. I don't know how to create an index for my database, or if it's worth trying?
Should I use a cache plugin? Or will using another plugin make my site slower?
Please help, any assistance would be appreciated.
Increase WordPress site speed-
Below there are several way increase wordpress site speed
1.caching - Use W3 Total Cache plugin
2.Optimize images (automatically)-
Reduce image file sizes and improve performance using the Smush.it API within WordPress.
7.Gzip and compress components
Translation: Compress files at the server level before sending them to browsers
3.Optimize your WordPress database-
Can simply use the WP-Optimize plugin.
This plugin lets you do just one simple task: optimize the your database (spam, post revisions,drafts, tables, etc.) to reduce their overhead
4.Deactivate plugin-
Uninstall Deactive plugin
5.Minify HTML, CSS, and Javascript-
Translation: Remove all white space from code when possible before serving it to visitors
6.Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)-
A CDN is a high-performance network of servers across the globe that replicate the static assets of your website and serve them to visitors from the closest POP.
Use Cloudflare plugin
7.Minimize redirects-
Remove bad request and unnessery request
Using a cache plugin can dramatically improve your site's speed. I use wp-supercache for everything: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-super-cache/
You should do following to speed up your website
- Optimize your css, I saw a lot of redundant code like margin: 0; padding: 0; being used many times even though you are using reset sheet
- Minify your css
- use CDN
- Use wp-super-cache plugin
edit: just had a re-look at your site, it seems to be slow because of slow processing of PHP, maybe you have some plugin installed which is querying third party website? like if u r loading latest tweets via php your initial page load time would increase by 100~200ms depending on server.
- You should choose a good web hosting like wp engine or blue host.
- Install W3 Total Cache plugin.
- Minify your css.
- Delete all inactive plugins and themes.
- Remove all spam comments
- Use less widgets in sidebar.
- Use Smush.it plugin to optimize images
- Use CDN like MaxCDN or Cloud Flare
Source : http://softdevsol.com/blogging/speed-up-wordpress-site/
You can fix the issue by optimizing the code of the website to make optimum use of available resources in your hosting.
You can also check the access log of your domain from cPanel /home/yourdomainname.com/access-logs/ to see which pages are being requested.
If you can't seem to determine which page it is on the site, try to use something like Google Webmaster tools to see if they can get to the site and what pages they're seeing. They may have a page indexed that someone is using for an exploit potentially (backdoor). You can search for site:yourdomainname.com and they'll list all of the indexed pages.
You can also check on:
i had the same problem and i spend two whole days on it, i changed host to VPS but still loading duration is really bad. and I Found Solution
wordpress saves many Junks in database for your statistics, for example Transients (The Transients API is very similar to the Options API but with the added feature of an expiration time, which simplifies the process of using the wp_options database table to temporarily store cached information).
According to this image load time of website is 12.93s but all posts in this site is under 100 posts.
i checked cpanel statistics there is no cpu usage. problem was because of database garbages. MY SQL was working so hard to do some simple query statement. i checked all tables from page 1 to the end. and i found my problem.
in first step check your htaccess enable gzip compression , Leaverage Browsing Cache , and Keep Alive. now open your browser and press F12, choose network tab and refresh your site. as you can see it lates two render your page. first of all check if your CPU usage is high or not. if it is not that much high therefore it`s your database problem. you have as many as garbage info in your tables.
first of all go to phpmyadmin (access your database). and run this SQL statement.
with first Query i deleted 140,000 useless records.
delete FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient%'
DELETE pm FROM wp_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL;
please check your prefix tables.
and after that i cleaned some user metas
Delete * FROM `pb_usermeta` WHERE ....
the load time decreases from 25s to 1.3s.
just remember to backup your system.
cache can help you get out of this situation buttttt you didn`t found answer you deleted it because your site admin still has got this problem and loads lazy.