I'm using the httplib2 library located here
So far my code is this:
http = httplib2.Http()
url= 'http://www.reddit.com/api/login'
body= {'user' : 'DUMMYUSERNAME', 'passwd': 'DUMMYPASSWORD'}
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}
response, content= http.request(url, 'POST', headers=headers, body=urllib.urlencode(body))
headers = {'Cookie': response['set-cookie']}
I could be mistaken, but I believe the above code successfully logs me into reddit.com (how would I verify this?)
The next step is sending the comment. I took a look at the network tab in Firebug and it appears the form requires several variables:
id #form-t3_f3oj23a4
r learnprogramming
renderstyle html
text testing send data
thing_id t3_f3oj2
uh 6qsck0zhpa2585dac6a0ab49250cbceca76开发者_StackOverflowfb36df883320896
But I'm not sure
- How to programatically find the requisite post data for each different page. (How do I find id, thing_id, and uh for each page?)
- Send that data to reddit.
Would it be something like this?
data= dict(thing_id="t3_f3oj2", text="testing", id="#form-t3_f3oj2ikj", r="learnprogramming", uh="sz4n7idqmc22bdeec21d7f2ca3e9408b102160646e2fcbbff4", renderstyle="html")
resp, content = h.request("http://www.reddit.com/r/blahblahsubreddit/comments/f3oj2/blahblahpost/", "POST", urllib.urlencode(data))
Am I using the appropriate libraries? Thanks.
I'd suggest taking at look at the Reddit API: