This is probably best stated as an example. I have two vectors/lists:
People = {Anne, Bob, Charlie, Douglas}
Ages = {23, 28, 25, 开发者_C百科21}
I want to sort the People based on their ages using something like sort(People.begin(), People.end(), CustomComparator)
, but I don't know how to write the CustomComparator
to look at Ages rather than People.
Obvious Approach
Instead of creating two separate vectors/lists, the usual way to handle this is to create a single vector/list of objects that include both names and ages:
struct person {
std::string name;
int age;
To get a sort based on age, pass a comparator that looks at the ages:
std::sort(people.begin(), people.end(),
[](auto const &a, auto const &b) { return a.age < b.age; });
In older C++ (pre C++11, so no lambda expressions) you can define the comparison as a member overload of operator<
or else as a function-object (an object that overloads operator()
) to do the comparison:
struct by_age {
bool operator()(person const &a, person const &b) const noexcept {
return a.age < b.age;
Then your sort would look something like:
std::vector<person> people;
// code to put data into people goes here.
std::sort(people.begin(), people.end(), by_age());
As for choosing between defining operator<
for the class, or using a separate comparator object as I show above, it's mostly a question of whether there's a single ordering that's "obvious" for this class.
In my opinion, it's not necessarily obvious that sorting people would always happen by age. If, however, in the context of your program it would be obvious that sorting people would be done by age unless you explicitly specified otherwise, then it would make sense to implement the comparison
as person::operator<
instead of in a separate comparison class the way I've done it above.
Other Approaches
All that having been said, there are a few cases where it really is impractical or undesirable to combine the data into a struct before sorting.
If this is the case, you have a few options to consider. If a normal sort is impractical because the key you're using is too expensive to swap (or can't be swapped at all, though that's pretty rare), you might be able to use a type where you store the data to be sorted along with just an index into the collection of keys associated with each:
using Person = std::pair<int, std::string>;
std::vector<Person> people = {
{ "Anne", 0},
{ "Bob", 1},
{ "Charlie", 2},
{ "Douglas", 3}
std::vector<int> ages = {23, 28, 25, 21};
std::sort(people.begin(), people.end(),
[](Person const &a, person const &b) {
return Ages[a.second] < Ages[b.second];
You can also pretty easily create a separate index that you sort in the order of the keys, and just use that index to read through the associated values:
std::vector<std::string> people = { "Anne", "Bob", "Charlie", "Douglas" };
std::vector<int> ages = {23, 28, 25, 21};
std::vector<std::size_t> index (people.size());
std::iota(index.begin(), index.end(), 0);
std::sort(index.begin(), index.end(), [&](size_t a, size_t b) { return ages[a] < ages[b]; });
for (auto i : index) {
std::cout << people[i] << "\n";
Note, however, that in this case, we haven't really sorted the items themselves at all. We've just sorted the index based on the ages, then used the index to index into the array of data we wanted sorted--but both the ages and names remain in their original order.
Of course, it's theoretically possible that you have such a bizarre situation that none of the above will work at all, and you'll need to re-implement sorting to do what you really want. While I suppose the possibility could exist, I've yet to see it in practice (nor do I even recall seeing a close call where I almost decided that was the right thing to do).
As others have noted, you should consider grouping People and Ages.
If you can't/don't want to, you could create an "index" to them, and sort that index instead. For example:
// Warning: Not tested
struct CompareAge : std::binary_function<size_t, size_t, bool>
CompareAge(const std::vector<unsigned int>& Ages)
: m_Ages(Ages)
bool operator()(size_t Lhs, size_t Rhs)const
return m_Ages[Lhs] < m_Ages[Rhs];
const std::vector<unsigned int>& m_Ages;
std::vector<std::string> people = ...;
std::vector<unsigned int> ages = ...;
// Initialize a vector of indices
assert(people.size() == ages.size());
std::vector<size_t> pos(people.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != pos.size(); ++i){
pos[i] = i;
// Sort the indices
std::sort(pos.begin(), pos.end(), CompareAge(ages));
Now, the name of the nth person is people[pos[n]]
and its age is ages[pos[n]]
Generally you wouldn't put data that you want to keep together in different containers. Make a struct/class for Person and overload operator<
struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
bool operator< (const Person& a, const Person& b);
Or if this is some throw-away thing:
typedef std::pair<int, std::string> Person;
std::vector<Person> persons;
std::sort(persons.begin(), persons.end());
already implement comparison operators.
It doesn't make sense to keep them in two separate data structures: if you reorder People
, you no longer have a sensible mapping to Ages
template<class A, class B, class CA = std::less<A>, class CB = std::less<B> >
struct lessByPairSecond
: std::binary_function<std::pair<A, B>, std::pair<A, B>, bool>
bool operator()(const std::pair<A, B> &left, const std::pair<A, B> &right) {
if (CB()(left.second, right.second)) return true;
if (CB()(right.second, left.second)) return false;
return CA()(left.first, right.first);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > peopleAndAges;
peopleAndAges.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>("Anne", 23));
peopleAndAges.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>("Bob", 23));
peopleAndAges.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>("Charlie", 23));
peopleAndAges.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>("Douglas", 23));
std::sort(peopleAndAges.begin(), peopleAndAges.end(),
lessByPairSecond<std::string, int>());
I would suggest merging these two lists into a single list of structures. That way you can simply define operator <
like dirkgently said.
Jerry Coffin answer was fully clear and correct.
A just have a related issue that may grant a good discussion to the topic... :)
I had to reorder the columns of a matrix object (lets say TMatrix< T >) based on the sorting of a vector (lets say sequence)... The TMatrix< T > class do not provide reference access to it's rows (thus I can not create a structure to reorder it...) but conveniently provides a method TMatrix< T >::swap(row1, row2)...
So that's the code:
TMatrix<double> matrix;
vector<double> sequence;
// 1st step: gets indexes of the matrix rows changes in order to sort by time
// note: sorter vector will have 'sorted vector elements' on 'first' and
// 'original indexes of vector elements' on 'second'...
const int n = int(sequence.size());
std::vector<std::pair<T, int>> sorter(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
std::pair<T, int> ae;
ae.first = sequence[i];
ae.second = i;
sorter[i] = ae;
std::sort(sorter.begin(), sorter.end());
// 2nd step: swap matrix rows based on sorter information
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// updates the the time vector
sequence[i] = sorter[i].first;
// check if the any row should swap
const int pivot = sorter[i].second;
if (i != pivot) {
// store the required swaps on stack
stack<std::pair<int, int>> swaps;
int source = pivot;
int destination = i;
while(destination != pivot) {
// store required swaps until final destination
// is equals to first source (pivot)
std::pair<int, int> ae;
ae.first = source;
ae.second = destination;
// retrieves the next requiret swap
source = destination;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (sorter[j].second == source)
destination = j;
// final step: execute required swaps
while(!swaps.empty()) {
// pop the swap entry from the stack
std::pair<int, int> swap =;
destination = swap.second;
// swap matrix coluns
matrix.swap(swap.first, destination);
// updates the sorter
sorter[destination].second = destination;
// updates sorter on pivot
sorter[pivot].second = pivot;
I belive that's still O(n log n) since every row that is not in place will swap just one time...
Have fun! :)