
Query to check Date in Sql

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-04 22:48 出处:网络
My query is simple yet bit twisted for me. Actually I am working on registration module of an app, where the registration expires 31st March every year. The registration is valid from April 1 to March

My query is simple yet bit twisted for me. Actually I am working on registration module of an app, where the registration expires 31st March every year. The registration is valid from April 1 to March 31. So whenever a user is registered in between the date, I want his status to be expired if march 31 is crossed.

Let me make more clear to you.

Say I have registered my self in 15Nov2010, then on 31st March 2011, my subscription will get expired. I want to check it automatically as the years will go on. I need a query that will automatically query the created date with开发者_运维问答 expiration date. I am already having a select query and i need to embed this condition and i want to check the creation date with current system date. If Current system date is not 31 march midnight 12, the status must be active else expired.

This can be used for MS SQL to determine whether it has expired or not.

create table #t
CreateDate datetime

Insert Into #t
select GETDATE() union all
Select DateAdd(month,4, getdate())

Select Case When CreateDate < getdate() And 
       Getdate() < Cast(str(DatePart(year, getdate())) + '-03-31' as datetime) Then 
       'Active' Else 'Expired' end as  [Status],

From #t

drop table #t

To filter your query you would simply move the case statement to a where clause


Where Case When CreateDate < getdate() And 
           Getdate() < Cast(str(DatePart(year, getdate())) + '-03-31' as datetime) Then 
           'Active' Else 'Expired' end  = 'Expired'

What you need is to schedule a job (i think they're called events on MySql) to run every year on March 31 11:59 and update set the status of all your accounts to expired. (remember to make dstinction on admin accounts) :)

Take a look at this.

for MySQL


for SqlServer



I am considering a table YourTable and it has a column Date of type datetime

You can use this query -

select [Date], dbo.GetStatus([Date]) as 'status' from YourTable

And, the function GetStatus -

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetStatus](@Date datetime)
RETURNS varchar(10) 
    DECLARE @Return varchar(10)
    DECLARE @Year int

    IF GETDATE() >= CONVERT(datetime,'01-APR-' + CONVERT(varchar,@Year))
        SET @Year = @Year + 1

    IF @Date BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,'01-APR-' + CONVERT(varchar,@Year-1)) AND CONVERT(datetime,'31-MAR-' + CONVERT(varchar,@Year))
        set @return = 'active'
        set @return = 'inactive'

    Return @return


I'd probably have a "last renewed" column (It would initially store the creation date) then write:

    YEAR(DATEADD(mm, -3, LastRenewed)) < (YEAR(GETDATE()) - 1) 
    THEN 'Active'
    ELSE 'Expired' END 
    AS Status
    FROM TableName

I don't see what the problem with @Barry's answer is though, to be honest. If you need to use this logic in several places you can avoid repeating yourself using a view eg:

    SELECT Account, CASE WHEN 
        YEAR(DATEADD(mm, -3, LastRenewed)) < (YEAR(GETDATE()) - 1) 
        THEN 'Active'
        ELSE 'Expired' END 
        AS Status
        FROM TableName

You could then select only active accounts using:

SELECT Account
FROM ActiveOrNot
WHERE Status = 'Active'


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